Independent Writer, Editor and Ghostwriter

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter." ― Blaise Pascal

Writing is easy. Writing concisely is hard. Whether it's an op-ed, book chapter, book, blog, article, newsletter, speech, proposal, annual report or case study, the hardest part is paring it down to the right words. 

In my 20 plus years as a writer and editor, including a decade writing and editing for Business NH Magazine, I brought  dozens of business stories to life. As a ghostwriter and book editor, I now offer that same service to businesses and executives. I have worked on books published by major publishing houses. My services include ghostwriting, writing and editing.

At the business magazine, I ran on my lunch break. But I did not go alone. I took CEOs running and strapped a recorder to their arm. I then shared their personal and professional stories with our readers. Our shared love of running led to great conversations, and many great stories. Those runs also introduced me to people who later became book clients.

 Stories can be narratives, or can be data driven. Either way, I make the same promise:

I will be concise. 
I will be respectful.
I will be timely.
I will be creative.
I will be honest.